Monday, October 18, 2010

Mallory and David's Wedding!

Wow!! It was about this time a month ago we were leaving Mal and David's wedding with 4 tuckered out kids! However, a good time was had by all!'s a little bit about that special weekend:

As I've mentioned several times before, we were lucky enough to have had Mallory care for the girls for the last 4 years and honored that she asked them to play a role in her special day-and they were so excited to participate!

Friday afternoon we picked the girls up from school and headed to Dubuque. My parents met us there to help us wrangle the kids (thank goodness for the extra sets of hands and the entertainment!). Later in the evening we participated in the rehearsal and attended the grooms dinner. Despite knowing the girls were to walk down the isle with Mallory's nephew Jackson (and Abby being insistent on the fact that SHE wasn't "going to help him") they all joined hands to walk down the isle together.

Saturday came bright and early! We headed to Mallory's parent's house so that the girls could get their hair done. All I was hoping for were hairdos a step up from everyday know, just a braid or something. Zoe was a little hesitant about the whole process initially, but in the end she was so excited because she "looked like Cinderella!" We now had 3 of our very own princesses!

After that we headed to church for some pictures:

Then it was time for the ceremony followed by some bubbles and a ride on the trolley car.

Rowan watching the girls blow bubbles:

Shortly after we started driving, Stella crashed.

So, while the rest of the wedding party was on and off the trolley bar hopping we just hung out.

And finally we ended the night with dinner and the dance (no, not juice)

Abby, are you cutting up Tink for dinner? "I'm trying, but she won't sit still!"

With our other sitter Sarah:

Then it was time to go home.

CONGRATULATIONS Mr. and Mrs. David and Mallory Blondin! Thanks for letting us be a part of your special day-we had a blast! Happy 1 month Anniversary-Love you guys!