Friday, October 30, 2009

HaPpY HaLlOwEeN!!

It's always nice to have connections or ties to something...and for me, that is being an alum of Mt. Mercy College...and the fact that our sitters, Mallory and Sarah are still students there. Anyway, every year they do Halloween on the Hill the weekend before Halloween and provide games and trick-or-treating for kids...the best part, it's indoors!! We did participate again this year and the girls had a great time. We were also joined by my college roommate and friend Jenna and her daughter Ella. I think we had just as much fun walking through the hallways and saying..."remember when....". It's amazing to me how the girls knew which candy wrappers contained chocolate and which don't, 'cause that seems to be the majority of candy we got! Oh well, it's been a great motivator for potty training!

Poodle= Stella

Me and the critters

Sarah with the girls

Mallory and David with the girls

A quick comparison

I assume most of you know by now, if you didn't guess from one of Ian's previous updates, that the Fox Den will be welcoming a new cub in March. Yes, you read correctly, just one...and that's a fact...we have already had 4 ultrasounds and all that has ever been found is ONE baby this time, and we couldn't be more excited!!

Things have been going well for me, so completely different than the first pregnancy. Let's hope that it goes longer too! I'm already 22 weeks along, making my due date March 7, 2010. So, here are a couple of the "belly pics".

At 19weeks with the girls :

Now at 20 weeks:

Guess I thought there would be more of a visible difference.....

Friday, October 23, 2009

The Fox girls' 1st mosh pit....

I was cleaning the kitchen this morning after breakfast, and the girls were in our bedroom watching a show....I thought. They all happened upon the kitchen to hear me listening to "Slayer". As if the name wouldn't give it away, Slayer is very heavy metal....just watch the video and enjoy, it's pretty silly.

Monday, October 5, 2009

My center....

Sometimes I forget just how lucky I really am...and it takes a sight such as this to really remind me what is important in my life. Not work. Not money or anything material. Just family.

Soon to be the "Fox 4"?...


A Stretch.....

I am going to attempt to get the girls' more involved in the continuation of this blog....perhaps that will help keep me more consistent with this. (Crosses fingers) We will try (not competitively) to add pictures on here for everyone, but especially for people that aren't "Facebook saavy" (like myself).

Mommy's Bday...(now new and improved...with video!)

Carey had a birthday on 9/28/09....who would've thought that she's almost as old as me now. Anyway, the girlies and I tried to surprise her with a birthday cake, and it turned out pretty well. Even decorating cakes--we decorate with the way, we are available for birthday parties and the such if anyone is interested in cakes...